Limitations on visa exempt nationalities in Namibia
Since Namibia gained independence from South Africa on 21 March 1990, South African nationals have been visa-exempt for business and tourist purposes. However, many business travellers often encounter issues with immigration officials at the port of entry when travelling frequently to attend their meetings, seminars, and conferences.
This is due to a restriction on visa-exempt nationalities on the number of days they can be in-country for either tourist or business purposes.
South Africans and other visa-exempt nationalities must ensure that they do not exceed 90 days per calendar year for tourism or business-related activities. Those that frequently travel may exhaust their number of days allowed in country and as such would encounter challenges when entering Namibia thereafter.
Those that are certain they have exceeded their number of days allowable under the visa-exemption can still travel to Namibia to attend their meetings through applying for a business visa at the Namibian High Commission nearest to their country of residence.
Business travellers should be wary of their activities exceeding those allowable under a business visa. Any activity that exceeds that of business such as, meetings, seminars, and conferences, foreign nationals must obtain a short-term work visa prior to travel.